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Dodge the draft by Ted ‘Poopy Pants’ Nugent & the Limbaugh Chicken hawks TYT

The story of ‘Big Guns’ Nugent sitting in unspeakable filth is an old one, but it bears repeating. In fact, when you hold your nose and peek into the reasons why the great – or loudest war-mongers of our time demurred when the opportunity opened up to fight with their brothers, it’s amusing and disgusting in equal measures. The all-time greats include Pig Pen Nugent – who truly tops the disgusting efforts category, Boil on my big ol’ behind Limbaugh, Deferments R Us Cheney and Gingrich, Missionary Mitt & not least – ‘The minorities prevented me’ Tom Delay. And not to forget the most infamous draft dodger of all time, who flat out refused to fight in World War II saying it would not only hurt his income but his career, John Wayne.