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Donald Trump defended by Whackobird crazies Huckabee, Carson and Cruz

The Donald Trump noose

Of course the three GOP candidates who are defending Donald Trump – Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson and Ted Cruz – have that common denominator of hardcore evangelical Protestant Christianity, which of late has come to be understood as the “whackobird-crazy” coalition of the GOP. Hardcore evangelical Catholic Rick Santorum has not come to The Donald’s defense because The Donald made fun of Catholic confession and communion while he was denigrating American POWs.

The polls will tell the tale soon, but there should be no joy in Republican Mudville for Donald is going to keep being Bruno Buffoono and the whackobird crazies are going to be whackobird crazies.

Mornin’ Joe Scarborough’s defense of The Donald is that in 2000, comedian at the time Al Franken said pretty much the same thing about John McCain and POWs. I think Joe Scarborough brought that up about a dozen times. Subsequently I Googled and found that the entire right-wing blogosphere consumed with putting the blame on Al Franken. It’s the same thing but worse!

Which reminds me of a couple things. First that the entire GOP and RNC – except John McCain – did far worse swiftboating John Kerry in 2004 than what Donald did this weekend. And let’s not forget that Ted Bundy was a paid RNC operative while he was serial killing women.

But you see this in all things Republican, they seldom if ever address and negative press, rather they just find some liberal from long ago to attack.

BTW, can anyone name me something that the GOP does or says that is not about fear, loathing and hate directed toward some OTHER whether here or there?  Anything at all?