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Duck Dynasty is back in camo, John Cole cartoon

duck dynasty camo

duck dynasty camo

A&E crumbled to the power of American bigotry and racism and has reinstated Phil Robertson in all his ugly Christian intolerance. I expect MSNBC to reinstate Martin Bashir and Alec Baldwin later today. After all, this is a  free speech issue, right?  But of course there is no chance of that happening. Why are Alec Baldwin and Martin Bashir dead in the water and Phil Robertson is on the rise?

Two words. JESUS CHRIST. Putting one’s intolerance, racism, bigotry and crazy gun culture on the back of Jesus Christ makes it okay. I am having trouble finding anything more disgusting than that.

The big mistake we all make is failing to come to grips with how much money can be made pandering to ignorant bigots. Which is the model of both Fox News and talk radio. Making a wholes feel good about themselves.

A reminder.  Sure guns, gays, racism and intolerant religion are the driving force of Republican politics, but it is that seething visceral hatred of liberals that tops their list. It’s simple humanity at work, disliking those who are smarter and better looking than you are.