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Ed Show Psycho Talk: Rush Twists Meaning of Bush Day of Ntl Service and Remembrance

The Rushmeister felt a need to address his minions on this first of many days of service and remembrance. He felt compelled to inform them that this ‘twisting’ (irony noted), of 9/11 into a “nationalist day of service to the state” was
perhaps President Obama’s most outrageous act so far! Ooh, when you slip in a slight change of words for instance, ‘nationalist service to the state'(not used by the President), and don’t get out much or turn the dial, it does sound scary bad doesn’t it !

In actuality it’s business as usual for Limbaugh, who has twisted the meaning of this -‘The First National Day of Service and Remembrance’, which President Obama had the honor of declaring today. You’ll hear President Obama’s short speech without the filter of Limbaugh, which on this day of sadness, makes us proud to be Americans. Americans with strength and goodness,who can serve our communities, country, and better our world. What hope!

Ed nicely punctures gas-bag Limbaugh’s bilious side with the spear of truth, reminding us how this day came about. It came without party line squabbles, the roots planted in 2002, when then President George Bush created a National Day of Service and Remembrance, and has since grown as you’ll see in the video. Note please, even Limbaugh wasn’t calling it ‘Nationalist’ in 2002. It’s a pity, having stepped on his fat tongue again, someone will undoubtedly extricate him by tomorrow, when he and his ilk will again take up the torch, telling big lies
for big money out of even the most magnificent of truths.