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Equivocation of Zombie Apocalypse and WW2, Stephen Colbert

Equivocation of Zombie Apocalypse and WW2, Stephen Colbert

Equivocation of Zombie Apocalypse and WW2, Stephen ColbertI have been waiting days for any pundit or news show to play Trump’s moral equivalency crap to World War II. This is the closest it has come. Trump’s brain rationalizes with his Washington and Jefferson comments that those who found this nation are equivalent to those who committed treason trying to destroy it. Fine people on both sides. Fine morality on both sides.

But the far bigger example to Trump’s racist crap, which he takes directly from internet trolls and conspiracy wonks, should be that America, England and France were equally guilty in the violence and morality of World War II. Did we have a permit? Were NAZIS back then fine people? Did they have a point about world domination and the Jews?

Trump has to go, and soon. Pence is not worse, he can be controlled, he plays by the rules, and his religious intolerance and bigotry won’t get very far.