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Fiore animation: Reverse World War II, America’s Enemy From Within, Austerity

Mark Fiore animation: Reverse World War II, or America's Enemy From Within, Austerity

Mark Fiore uses  posters from WW II, when the country banded together to fight a common (outside) enemy,  to contrast with today’s economic ‘war’ from within. According to Republicans, our woes can be attributed to overspending, and steps should be taken to cut aid to the ‘Takers.’ Children who receive free lunches or graham crackers and milk are dragging this great land down!  It is heresy to suggest that the economy could right itself by adding a few dollars to the taxes of the hard-working ‘Makers.’  It’s time for America to suck it up and embrace austerity and entitlement! For clarification, I don’t mean ‘entitlements’ – that’s ridiculous. We must embrace the entitlement of the super special wealthy.  Sequester, anyone?