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First Republican attack footage, Obama golfs during quake

Here is a preview of what surely will become the most heavily utilized 2012 Republican attack ad footage. To many it is clear that President Obama should have been fighting the forces of nature back in D.C.

Did something happen in Libya? ‘Some’ presidents would have already ordered a gross of "Mission Accomplished’ banners lest people forget a real or imagined victory, but not ‘No drama, Obama,’ he seems to feel that they will focus on the important issues. His faith in humanity is terrifying.

Where was President Obama in our hour of need? While teacups clattered almost imperceptibly our leader was on a previously planned vacation, that’s where! Dag Nabit!

When the big quake hit, he was on the golf course – where else? Dan Lothian of CNN was in Martha’s Vineyard to keep us informed of the President’s every move, which included ‘chatting’ on his telephone. Okay, maybe Obama was strolling the golf grounds while getting reports on the volatile situation in Libya, but his almost constant attention to the Libya situation was a mere side-note compared to the natural disaster at home, according to the network.

It’s not clear what he could have done had he been in the Oval office, other than watch presidential knickknacks tremble a bit, but we like to have a leader at the helm when mildly distressing things happen.
He should have done the Republican thing and wait 3 days and do a fly over.

If Dubya had been at the fore-mentioned helm, he wouldn’t have been golfing – not on vacation! His golfing, brush clearing, and reading "My Pet Goat" to school children on 9/11 was all on the clock, baby!