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Free clinics used mostly by uninsured working people!

Rush Limbaugh told William Shatner in a recent interview, that only the “have nots” don’t have health insurance, That’s just the way it is. “If you have money, you have health care.” Unfortunately, he speaks for many who not only are unaware of the health care crisis, but uninterested. As you’ll see, it affects everyone, from all walks of life.

Nicole Lamoureux of the National Association of Free Clinics, reports on Kansas City’s two day clinic which started Wednesday. This is their third free clinic, based upon private donations sent to www.freeclinics.us or countdown.msnbc.com
there is no other support other than volunteers. Physical, mental, and now dental care is provided. It’s just a shame that they’re only two day events per city. Nearly 1,000 people have come through the first day in Little Rock.

The biggest surprise may be who is using the clinics. Nicole Lamoureux estimates that 83% percent are the working poor, without insurance. Often, they also depend upon food banks. You’ll see a mix of people as diverse as any gathering of your family, neighborhood, or church. This is a national crisis. Like Ms Lamoureux, I feel it’s imperitive for every member of congress to visit one before passing legislation.