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Fugelsang: YAY Chick-Fil-A! Stone Gays, Drunks, Divorced, Fornicators & Liars to Death!

John Fugelsang says Chick-Fil-A should stone homosexuals, adulterers, liars, sabbath workers etc if gays are punished in Bible

John Fugelsang has obviously researched this tempest in a hen-house and it turns out that a good old fashioned stoning might be just what is needed, if – homophobes like Chick-Fil-A’s president and others who hide behind ONE questionable line of scripture here or there are willing to follow through with the rest of God’s alleged mentions of ‘men lying with men.’ Don’t get me started on the B.S. that passes for political discussion…Admittedly the verb ‘lie’ when used interchangeably makes this mess even more confusing.

To sum up: If you’re willing to get in line with the Chicken Man, and feel that God isn’t able to mete out sufficient punishment, you’d best start gathering rocks now.  On the rock list are adulterers, the divorced (who haven’t purchased an annulment), liars, fornicators, those who exert themselves on the Sabbath; BTW – a good cause won’t save you. Like to drink?  You’ll be dodging boulders with the  gluttons. Yes, I mean you, first in line at the all-you-can-eat buffet line after church, and I hope you aren’t picking up any of that pork roast or shellfish!