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Funny or Die: Home Shopping, Obama’s balls and spine for sale


LBJ had quite a set of balls and an upright spine. Harshly and loudly forcing the Voting and Civil Rights Acts in his first year as president. Knowing full well that not only would sucking up to Blacks cost the Democrats the South, create Nixon’s anti-Black “Southern Strategy” but also cost him the next election. BUT HE DID IT ANYWAY.

The more I talk to my Republican friends, listen to talk radio, watch Fox News, read newspapers and watch the mainstream media, the more it becomes clear that race is not part of this election cycle, but all of it.  Mitt Romney went to the NAACP specifically to get booed so he could show his fellow Republicans what animals African Americans are.  When I bring this up to my like minded friends, they don’t want to agree, but they do.

Normal people I grew up with and spent great portions of my life with, hate BOTH Barack and Michelle Obama’s so much their heads have turned purple. The don’t say the F word anymore, they say OBAMA instead.  And what has the president DONE to generate such bile?  BORN THIS WAY.

I can remember back to a time when intolerance, bigotry and racism was something to be frowned upon, not to be celebrated.  I doubt I will live to see it, but sometime soon the demography will finally put an end to this White Party crap once and for all.

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