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Gay marriage coming soon to Texas, Tony Auth Cartoon

gay marriage coming to Texas

Drug dealers help you kill yourself, gun dealers help you kill others.

Gee, what a pretty, happy political cartoon! Trust me on this, there is no dancing down here in Dumbutt. This is the stuff of secession. A federal judge telling Texans what to do is untenable. Keep in mind that this is of even more concern to Texans than when a generation ago the Feds allowed African Americans to eat, sleep and go to school just like anyone else. Unlike the racial bigotry of the past, this bigotry has the direct approval of both Jesus Christ and God Almighty.

Sure, most every state now has some homo-loving judge calling on the 14th Amendment to ensure everyone can enjoy due process and equal protection under the law. And with so many cases now in play, the Supreme court has no choice but to take it up, and there seems no way around them coming down on the side of the homo-lovers. What then?

Texas is not a wussy state like Arizona who need laws to keep their homos at bay. A year from now, even with the beset of Democrat Wendy Davis, Texans will be openly carrying guns WHEREVER THEY WANT. Tie that into the fear of homos and STAND YOUR GROUND laws and we will soon be seeing stupid ugly white men in court not just for killing unarmed black  teenagers but also unarmed gay teenagers. Driving them to suicide is just not enough Christianity for Texans.

Remember please, gun enthusiasts shoot the unarmed, it’s way safer and more fun.

Double hip holsters with .44 magnums standing next to you at the bar on shot night at the House of Blues. Replacing foam fingers at NBA games with loaded pistols waving in the air. Those NY Knicks had better watch those personal fouls! Rednecks with I AM THE NRA t-shirts with six shooters in their belts standing in front of gay bars pretending to be afraid. And of course don’t forget all the gangster rap concerts where everyone can show off their machine pistols. What fun. What well thought out public policy.