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George Will, Carrie Prejean and Brian Jones

Jewish Neo Con conservative columnist George Will suggested this weekend that we pull out of Afghanistan.

Let me say that again in case it didn’t register…

Jewish Neo Con conservative columnist George Will suggested this weekend that we pull out of Afghanistan.


Time to Get Out of Afghanistan

Ms Carrie Prejean, that bigoted intolerant Christian witch from California is suing the Ms Universe pageant for denying her her religious freedom. Donald Trump saved her from the evil Homo Loving God Haters. [I bet he thanks the Lord every day for media pictures of Phil Spector who has an even stranger wall of hair than does].

Cashing in on all her positive publicity because she is a bigoted intolerant Christian witch  [do I see a feminist dream ticket Palin/Prejean 2012], she refused to  make her appointments as runner up for the pageant REQUIRED of her and she was fired. You know a employer having the RIGHT to fire someone. [which political party is all for that?]

So now in the most religious Jesus loving Christian nation of Earth she believes her religion is being denied her. What a hoot! And of course she is ahead in the polls on this issue 2 to 1!  Who could have guessed? Fox News behind Carrie Prejean

 It looks like bad boy Brian Jones succumbed not to a drug overdose but was beaten by Frank Thorogood in the pool and was drown. His body contained 3 pints of beer [4 beers) and no drugs. Throrogood and his girlfriend who witnessed it are no longer alive.  Brian Jones Revisitied