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Glenn Beck Keynote Speaker at Houston NRA says it all

nra glenn beckI cannot think of anything more that needs to be said about the who and what of where the NRA -and the Republican Party- is than having Glenn Beck as their Keynote speaker. Well there were speeches by Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin which is almost as flattering to the NRA -and the Republican Party.  Glenn Beck! Fired by Fox News for being too Right-wing and too crazy.

Time has changed me. Without even realizing it the two most important issues to me have become guns and executions. Of course there is war, but that is not an exclusively AMERICAN problem that I am directly part of .  Violence is the most serious issue facing mankind. It tops the misery index.

Both issues are tied together to show that killing is the way to show our children that killing is wrong.

A gun is the most ubiquitous representation of violence in the world today.  It is a machine that is meant ALL ABOUT KILLING. And it adds to the killing the fun of explosion and fire. Up close to our face and hands so we can see, hear and feel the enjoyment of it. No better example of our violent nature. Of course there is some degree of the necessary and pragmatism involved, but the celebration of it is a more than a sickness, it is a mental illness.

Both issues are also about as far from the who and what Jesus Christ imaginable. Which is why the brand of Christianity at work in America today deserves NO RESPECT. It is only a front for the politics of intolerance, bigotry, hate and violence.  I suggest they pack their bags and move to the Middle East where they can feel more at home with the like minded.

How much rubble does religion cause per year?