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Global warming is heart warming, Steve Gandhi

Global warming is heart warming, Steve Gandhi

Global warming is heart warming, Steve GandhiI have noticed one benefit from global warming down here in Houston. My lime tree is so confused that instead of making limes all at once, it now makes them come all the time, it’s great!

Having a little vegetable garden I also took note a few years back that the seed companies redrew their planting time maps on the back cover of the seed companies. Also insurance companies, the Pentagon and every OTHER nation and political party on Earth understands global warming is real, only Donald Trump and the Republican Party still believe it is a lie and a hoax. We are now the unequivocal United States of DUH.

I think the big wake up call from the election is the media and most Americans had no idea not only how stupid Americans are but how many there are.

We have always known what a nasty bigoted fraud and liar Donald Trump is, but are now surprised by how deeply stupid he is. Beavis and Butthead could have taken his dad’s money and collateral and done as well. Just buy everything you land on.