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Gun enthusiast Christina Bond killed by angry boob

Angry Boob Shoots Christina Bond in the eyePerhaps we need to do a daily feature here in the “If only I had a gun things would have turned out better” department.

On New Year’s day gun enthusiast, Navy veteran, Road Life Church administrator and elected Republican delegate from St Joesph, Michigan was adjusting her holster bra when the gun went off and shot her fatally through the eye.  Why St Joesph police came out with this information today, a month and a half later I do not know.  Perhaps 50 days is enough time that making fun of it is more acceptable?

I am not sure how the NRA, gun enthusiasts and the GOP will turn this into some sort of gun sales thing, but I am sure they will find a way. Hmmm…

Had the gun been a bigger more expensive model it would not have fit in her bra and she would have had to holster it under her arm or in her belt and only shot herself in the ass.

No matter, the important thing to remember is the more guns you have, and have on you, and have in your home the safer you and your family are. So say gun manufacturers, the gun manufacturer lobby and crazy people.

Just out of curiosity, how many Americans do you think would want their kids to be hanging around with people who have guns on them? Or would want to drop their kids off for play dates at homes they know are filled with guns? Well other than the gun enthusiasts we will soon see responding in the comment area.

After so many years in political punditry I have somehow settled into three major issues to decry: Guns, Religion and Executions. Here in MY country guns and executions represent our national celebration of violence, while religion is the cause of most violence in the world today. Violence is and has been the cause of most misery in the world. And what bothers me most is that instead of trying to dampen it, religion enhances it.

But what about war you ask? From this American veteran’s point of view, with there being no war here and no draft, if my fellow Americans want to go play war to keep oil and Christianity safe for democracy, that is their choice, but please, no witching about it after coming home. You know, that Republican personal responsibility thing.

I wrote that last paragraph because in my political reading since the GOP took over all of congress, I have noticed that the old meaningless cliche of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY is the new top end talking point for the coming presidential election. It now comes before their main ideological themes of tax breaks for the wealthy and kicking the crap of anyone less white than they are, neither of which are good in presidential election cycles. Why the immigration fight I don’t know.

So if one chooses to go to war, take personal responsibility for the outcomes of it. Right? We don’t want to be paying no nanny state to suck them up into a life of dependency.