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George Zimmerman Gun enthusiast in jail again!

“Those who really really want a gun are the very ones who should really really not be allowed to have a gun.”

george zimmerman arrested againNRA hero and gun enthusiast George Zimmerman is once again handcuffed and taken away to jail for another act of violence. This time trashing the home and pointing a shotgun in the face of his pregnant girlfriend Samantha Scheibe. Miss Scheibe was who accompanied him on his last foray of domestic violence when he grabbed and smashed his wife’s iPad, punched her father in the face and threatened them with a gun. It was okay in that case because the gun was a few feet away in the car. Photo of one of the other times Zimmerman was handcuffed and arrested.

I got two questions. Why did it take more than 15 minutes for Miss Scheibe to figure out what this guy was about. I guess some people are just so hungry for a relationship they will over look murder. And secondly, as a shotgun owner, where did the shotgun come from in the middle of a living room glass breaking argument? You see, this is a GUN ENTHUSIAST who always seems to have a gun in reach.  Where was the shotgun. Laying of the floor? Propped up against the sofa? On a strap over his back. Or does he just walk around with a shotgun hanging at home?  GUN ENTHUSIASTS.  It’s an American sickness.

So this is his the fifth time George Zimmerman was caught in a violent act, one of which was the murder of Trayvon Martin. What with the ratio of caught to not-caught crimes I wonder how many this adds up to all together?

Someday he may end up in a cell with OJ Simpson. Another one who got away with murder but just couldn’t keep the handcuffs away.