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Gun Enthusiast George ZImmermans truck pulled over for 3rd time

zimmerman stopped againWe are all getting to recognize George Zimmerman’s Honda truck hey? With this video release from August – which was between the two speeding citations – and the picture of his truck in front of the house where he recently smashed his wife’s iPad, gave her father a punch in the nose and intimidated them with a gun, we have seen this grey Honda four times now, it has become like and old friend. I would suggest that if George is truly afraid of getting his comeuppance, that he get a Volvo.

New news is that his wife can’t find him to serve him divorce papers, and that he has been in the throes of an adulterous affair with an old flame which began the day after he was acquitted. BTW, the old flame once caused him to be charged with domestic violence. George Zimmerman has had several more run ins with the Law and violence beyond even these mentioned.

So what’s the point Rack?  The point is that George Zimmerman is the embodiment of our collective gang of American Gun Enthusiasts. And more to the point, giving life and breath to an old quote of mine:

Those who really really want a gun are the very ones who really really should not be allowed to have a gun.