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Who hates the Affordable Care Act, Sorensen cartoon

who hates affordable care act

Paul Ryan is in the wrong business? He could reach more peole and be better served if he wrote, directed and starred in the Hollywood blockbuster “DO THE WRONG THING.”

The complaints about the Affordable Care Act come primarily from two kinds of people. Those who really hate having a black president and those who have no sense of community. They then call, email and tell their horror stories to talk radio hosts, Fox News and their Republican leaders who further the errors and dishonesty.

The mainstay of these Republicans who claim they now pay more for health insurance under the ACA is that they do so because their new plan gives them more and better health insurance coverage. They hate that! It is the core what it means to be a Republican, “Why should I have to pay anything for you, especially if you live downtown somewhere?”

Paul Ryan is the preacher who explains it well. Simply put, it is mostly about overturning both FDR’s New Deal and LBJ’s Great Society: Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and beyond to the elimination of food stamps, unemployment comp, school lunches, public education and of course the IRS. Ayn Rand has coupled with Jesus Christ to give us the GOP of today. A quick cursory surf on Ms Rand found that guess what? She was a meth addict for the last 30 years of her life. Coupled with a guy who could change water into wine whenever he wanted. The speedball of yesteryear.

The civilized world has declared that health care is a human right, that the health, life and death of each of us should not be under the control of quarterly profit, which is where the real death panels reside.

Those nations who are not as exceptional as we are have many different health care systems, but all of them, whether by government,  by private insurance companies, or a hybrid of both are NON PROFIT and funded by everyone through payroll taxes. It is the right thing to do. And boy to Republicans hate a black guy saying that. Let me tell you!