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Hillary Clinton regrets calling “half” of Donald Trump’s basket full of deplorables

Hillary Clinton regrets calling "half" of Donald Trump's basket full of deplorablesFirst thing I have to say is that my Googling found the usual Republican spin that always seems to begin with a false premise, in this case so many conservative websites that claim Hillary Clinton said half of Americans are deplorable basket cases.  NO.  She said half of TRUMP SUPPORTERS of which there are 44%  or 22%. of Americans. [They push this lie to equate her statement with Romney’s 2012 loss to his 47% of Americans are losers – which included children, retired and handicapped.]

Over the years I have settled on about a third of American voters as deplorable basket cases by adding the groups together; the Religious Right, the gun enthusiasts, the militias, the homophobes, nativists, bigots and racists. This has held firm for a very long time, Donald Trump has only made it all more visible and popular. And if one were to poll just those going to the Trump Rallies – or from only Southern states and Idaho – it would be up around 60%.

Which brings me to the first thing I ever wrote here some 20 years ago.

I suppose I can understand the intolerance, bigotry and selfish callous disregard of Republicans, it’s their pride in it that passes me by.

And now with the leadership of The Donald it is being screamed and chanted to foot stomping applause wherever he goes. It is the face of The Ugly American.

84% of Trump Supporters support building a huge wall along the U.S.-Mexico border
76% of Trump Supporters believe Muslims should be banned from entering the United States
69% of Trump Supporters believe immigrants are a drain on society
67% of Trump Supporters oppose gay marriage
65% of Trump Supporters believe President Obama is a Muslim
59% of Trump Supporters believe President Obama was not born in USA
52% of Trump Supporters say undocumented immigrants should be forcibly deported

But the Republicans win the argument in that only 30% of Trump Supporters believe [or are not sure] that Whites are a superior race to Blacks. In numbers that would be about just 50 million or so.

So there you go, 30% not 50%!  Hillary lied about definitive racism. Which of course makes her even more dishonest and untrustworthy. And with that conclusion we see the misogyny of 100% of Trump supporters and about 90% of Republicans.  While The Donald lies on average 7 times a day, or through the campaign which began in June 2015 that, he has told 3150 lies, compared to what seems to be one lie about a (c) on one email by Hillary Clinton. Women shouldn’t lie, not even once.