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Horny Amish sexter hot for buggy sex with girl, 12

Who can you trust if not the morally upright adherents to the old ways, the Amish? Despite his upbringing, a bad seed, 21-year-old Willard Yoder slipped the traces, via that tool of the devil, his cell phone.

Yoder initially contacted the young girl with a random text. When the parents discovered the contact, they took over control of her phone and maintained the connection with Yoder. None the wiser, Willard Yoder freely and unknowingly sent about 600 texts, as well as clothesless photos and explicit videos to the girl, who was in reality, – mama and papa. In one text, Yoder told the girl that, "the proposed sex act would happen inside the buggy," the passion pit of flaming youth.

Yoder’s fate was sealed. The parents of the girl contacted police, who then set up a sting. When the Amish Lothario pulled up at the meeting place with his horse and carriage, police were there to take him away. Yoder "admitted that he thought he was going to have sex with the girl," whom he thought was 13. Thirteen, I presume is Yoder’s idea of an okay hook-up. Yoder faces four felony counts for allegedly soliciting sex from the minor, and is free on $20,000 bond according to reports.

Upon reading this, I had to wonder how many suburban and urban parents have this much – or any control over their children’s cell phone use? In many cases it is an anticipated right of passage to get a phone, and once accomplished, it is private and permanent. Any thought of using garnishment of the phone by parents is pure folly, as I believe a surgical operation is necessary to part most American teens from their phones. If there is a horny Amish guy texting their children, most American parents will know nothing until they hear the clatter of hooves in the driveway.