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A humble Stephen Colbert celebrates Republican election victory

Stephen colbert celebrates GOP victoryA humble man in a humble party.

I was just thinking of another problem this may cause.  What if Antonin Scalia keeps eating as he does and becomes just as wide as he is tall, tips over and rolls down the Supreme Court steps into oncoming traffic? What if Clarence Thomas gets even more angry at his fellow African Americans that his head explodes all over his white Koch Brothers funded Tea Party wife? And what if Sam Alito blows himself up at an abortion clinic?

Will the Republican Senate refuse to “consent” to anyone President Obama puts up for the next two years? I would guess they would. You know, leave it to President Cruz to appoint his father, Ayn Rand and  Roy Cohn.

If just one of these activist Republican justices were to pass away with no replacement, it would make the court 4 to 4 which though troublesome would be better than the present 5 to 4. So we need at least two to go.