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Humor, Tina Fey Wins Emmy For Playing Sarah Palin, Favorite Scenes from SNL

One of the true treasures of the long presidential campaign in my opinion, and obviously in others as well has been our discovery of Tina Fey as Sarah Palin. Fey is no stranger to awards, having won several on 30 Rock, but for many of us
she was – Sarah Palin! In fact, when they were on stage together it was nearly impossible to tell them apart.

We’re not certain just how much truth is behind Sarah Palin’s statement that she found Tina Fey to be hilarious, as she admitted to watching with the sound turned off. Interpret that, if you please.

Here is the truly hysterical speech in which Tina Fey receives her award, and a compilation of some of the funniest moments from SNL which got us through a long grueling campaign, and are just as humorous now!
BTW, as much as we love Tina as Sarah, we too are happy that Tina Fey got her wish. “Please let me be done playing this woman by Nov 5. if anyone can help me be done playing this lady nov 5, that would be good for me.” We miss you Tina/Sarah, but it’s very good for us too!