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If Canadians Made A Rap Diss Video College Humor

If Canadians Made A Rap Diss Video   College Humor

In this hilarious send-up,College Humor asks if our  polite Canadian neighbors have what it takes to make a rap diss video.  Can Canadians muster the braggadocio, the street creds, the insulting and offensive DISS of it all?!

In this world, everyone from dentists to pudgy white mattress sellers has ‘borrowed’ rap, but true to form, Canadians are the first to apologize for it – and they have the least to apologize for!

Sure, they start out well, and it almost sounds like a challenge:
“Hey America, you’ve been embarrassing this continent for far too long and we’re going to take you hosers down a peg or two.”

I feel their pain. But before long, our trio of Canadians are apologizing for everything from cussing to boasting! They’re sorry Justin Bieber turned out to be a dick, and for having the best side of Niagra Falls – but they’ll share it, or just give it to us if we like.
Gosh darn it, they’re just so doggone nice. The trio are even  sorry for saying ‘sorry’ so much. It’s clear that we share a continent, but not much else!