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Impress Brook Alvarez to get a mention on Onion News Network

Serial Killer Apparently Feels Entitled To Coverage

One has to do something uniquely horrible to have Megyn Kelly mention
you on Fox news. 

Oops!  I wonder which news anchor on
what network ONN and Brook Alvarez is spoofing?

The line between Fox News and Onion News is a fine one indeed. One is purposefully silly while the other is just naturally so.

An example of just how silly Fox News is, there is this from just this week.

"That’s not true. I dont know if you watch our programing everyday, but I do and you are wrong." Megyn Kelly responding to accusation that Fox News uses the Nazi anualogy.

You can view a long long string of Fox News Nazi anualogies here, Jon Stewart destroys Fox News Bill O’Reilly Nazi Analogies

If you don’t have time to watch that endless string of silliness here is a quick right to the nub of the matter version, the much reported words Megyn Kelly’s boss, Fox News Director Roger Ailes, which she sure knew about.

"They are, of course, Nazis. They have a kind of Nazi attitude. They are the left wing of Nazism." Roger Ailes, Fox News Director,  November 17, 2010 describing National Public Radio

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