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Iowa Rep Steve King to keep Transgender people out of Capital Grounds

“None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to encourage, allow, or require any individual to use any bathroom other than the bathroom of the individual’s biological sex,” Steve King (R-Iowa) amendment to the appropriation bill.

Iowa Rep Steve King to keep Transgender people out of Capital GroundsWhat is this? Steve King, the first congressional supporter of Donald Trump has submitted an amendment to the annual appropriation bill to not allow one pink cent spent to create one pink transgender bathroom on Capital grounds. The same guy who said Mexicans have calf’s like cantaloupes from hauling 100 pound bags of weed across the border. Iowa! Republicans! Sarah Palin’s real American!

Follow the logic of this find where it ends.

So these Republican rubes want transgender women who are for all intent and purposes women in form and appearance to either use the Men’s room or not stray further from their homes than they can go with a pee.  Well some Republicans are far more liberal than that, like Stacey Dash who says transgender people should pee in the bushes.

Ok, so Republicans want transgender women to pee in Men’s rooms, in the bushes or not at all. Democrats have tried to find some middle ground to create sexless bathrooms. Which by the way there are already far more of in American than sexed restrooms.  But, NO NO NO. Republicans are tolerant enough to give them three choices. It’s a matter of choice! Either these women use the men’s room, the bushes, or stay home.

Now add to that logical kindness that since public restroom were invented, these transgender women have been using the Ladies room without incident for at least a hundred years without incident.

But to be fair, Steve King is only doing this to make a Republican list of QUEER LOVERS who vote against his amendment.

It must also be said that of the few issues Donald Trump talks about other than himself, this is the only one where he shines. Which must mean he has some sort of personal stake in this issue. Perhaps he should make the genitals of all his family members available for view?