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Iran For Dummies

I am again reminded how back in 2003 the media helped pound on George’s war drum getting us into this mess. Wussies who did not bother looking for the truth because they were more concerned about what some dickwad wearing a flag lapel may say about them.

Here we are again. I am seeing the editorials in the New York Times and the Washington Post. Republicans or Democrats, it doesn’t matter. It is the less humorous version of John McCain’s Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb-bomb-Iran. It’s everywhere and building, war with the biggest player in the Middle East which would bring in Nuclear armed Pakistan and World War 3. Iranians are bad, rotten, evil and a threat, that’s what the fence down here in Texas is for.

I just saw a little blurb on a man who wants every school student to carry a gun, to make it fair and safe. Can we apply that to the nations? I guess not. Some problems are a step deeper than what we choose to talk about.

Iran is doing nothing we haven’t done or are presently doing. Iran has not overreached its regional empire anymore than we have. Iran is just as patriotic and Lord Loving as we are. In fact they may be even more Lord Loving than we are, and ya can’t argue with Lord Loving! We have 7,865 nuclear warheads, Iran has 7,865 less than that. And come to think of it, Iran never used atomic weapons on population centers.

On it goes… I can’t come up with anything Iran is doing that we have not done, are presently doing or would not do in their place. So whats the problem? And there is the rub, you can’t get anywhere with this until this underlying problem is addressed.