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Jefferson County Ohio: Laid off steel worker watchs FOX NEWS and surprise, HATES OBAMA

fox news creates hate

This is from a Washington Post online slide show.  One of  18 showing photos showing the people of Jefferson County as an example of middle America politics. This one hit me in the face like no photo I can recall in a very long time.

There is THE problem in America. An old, smoking, drinking, unemployed white man in a living room right out of the 1954. Whose world view comes from FOX NEWS and Rush Limbaugh. And surprise surprise he “HATES OBAMA”  This is why FOX NEWS and TALK RADIO are so popular. This is the core audience.  It’s about making ignorant bigots feel good about themselves.  They turn ignorance into hatred. If you missed the caption

Ray Morrison worked in the steel mills for 35 years and then became a truck driver. He is a dedicated fan of the Fox News channel. “If you want to know the true story about Obama, you have to watch Fox a little bit,” he says. “I hate him.”