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Jerry Falwell, The Religious Right’s Clown Prince

Jerry Falwell, clown prince of Christianity“Grown men should not be having sex with prostitutes unless they are married to them.” Jerry Falwell
Of all these television evangelists, Jerry Falwell has held the honor of being our generations’ dullest knife in the drawer, but his sense of humor allowed him to rise above the rest of the pack and become America’s Clown Prince of Christianity. So many memorable moments he treated us with over the years.
Zipping down that giant waterslide in his Sunday Suit trying to save PTL Club’s Jim and Tammy Bakker’s Christian Theme Park after they went to jail for embezzling poor dumb people. His infamous appearance on Nightline debating Carl Sagan on whether the space program was worth a plug nickel, arguing that it was a waste of money because he already new what was out there. And what was that Ted Koppel asked, “Why the firmament of course!” Falwell answered in such a matter a fact way that that argument has been now settled once and for all.
Jerry could even laugh at himself. In an appearance on Ron Reagan Jr’s TV talk show discussing sexual morals in America he defined sodomy as any form of sex other than straight coitus between married couples. When asked if that included oral sex Falwell answered, “Of course, only immoral individuals would ever even think of participating in such a heinous act.” When the studio audience exploded in raucous laughter even Reverend Falwell could not suppress a giggle.
There was his hilarious claim that the Purple Teletuby on PBS (who suspiciously happened to look very much like Rev. Falwell) was a homosexual intent upon turning our children into queers. And of course his most infamous standup comedy routine by declaring that September 11th was the fault of the ACLU, abortionists, Pagans, feminists, gays and lesbians.
The man who most defined the buffoonery to the Religious Right is no longer with us and will be sorely missed.
“Not even the Devil could energize Christian voters more than Hillary Clinton running for President.” Jerry Falwell telling us that Hillary Clinton is worse than even Beelzebub himself.