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Jessica Williams Beyonce Elevator Expert, #f*@kyourush Debra Harry

This just in! The person who recorded and released the “Hate in an Elevator” video with Beyonce got fired by the hotel. So please forget what you saw. Also please forget anything Donald Sterling said. Or that 47% thing Mitt Romney said at the country club.

#f*@kyourush  blondieThe #f*@kyourush hashtag bomb goes into second day. This one with Debra Harry of Blondie on the heels of Rush Limbaugh not only losing 3100 advertisers since calling college student Sandra Fluke a slut, but is now under “payola” investigation over the Koch Brothers rescuing his advertising demise by funding him under the table.

As to the issue at play, “Hate in an Elevator,” why would I care if someone kicks a billionaire in the nuts in the privacy of a public elevator? Celebrity billionaires! Priorities please! The NBA semi-finals are going on!