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Jimmy Fallon as Donald Trump Hilariously ‘Clarifies’ Megyn Kelly Feud

Jimmy Fallon as Donald Trump Hilariously 'Clarifies' Megyn Kelly Feud

Jimmy Fallon – as Donald Trump, takes on the recent feud between Trump and Fox host Megyn Kelly, which was caused by Trump’s  claims that Kelly had “blood coming from her eyes, and out of her wherever.”

Jimmy Fallon captures Trump’s humility as he approaches the podium to the cheers of the crowd, dispensing his blessing, “You’re welcome, you’re welcome, you’re welcome!”  In a Trumptastic media conference, Jimmy as Trump, does not apologize, but –  expects one from Kelly, who insists she “won’t apologize for doing good journalism.” Trump supporters have viciously gone after Kelly, who has received death threats, and  an abundance of nasty emails and social media posts trashing her. Some of those posts are suspected to be from people other than Trump.

Seriously it is sobering to think of Trump’s fans as the sort of people who shift into vigilantism over a mere trifle. I hate Trump for this. To make me feel an ounce of empathy for Megyn Kelly is the cruelest cut of all. Knock it off Donald!

Trump is attempting to save face by stretching the limits of even his fan’s gullibility.  Trump claims we heard it all wrong. “When I said blood was coming out of her ‘wherever’ I obviously meant nose and ears” he insists. ” If you think I was talking about something else, you’re a deviant! I was not referring to hormones or menstruation. Period.”  This is not the work of a comedy writer, but the actual transcript.

If you’re buying into this, you’d better grab a grocery cart, because Trump has equally facile explanations for remarks about  his wife’s “melons,”  Carly Fiorina’s “junk in the trunk” and a plethora of other Trumpisms aimed at women,  which are merely our ‘deviant minds’ at work!