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Jimmy Fallon, Crystal & Seinfeld: Abbott & Costello’s Classic:”Who’s On First?” The Sequel

ize-thumbnail wp-image-34162″ style=”margin: 5px 11px;” alt=”Jimmy Fallon Billy Crystal and Jerry Seinfeld perform "Who’s On First’ the sequel to a comedy classic by Abbott & Costello” src=”https://rackjite.com/wp-content/uploads/1tc510-fallon-150×100.jpg” width=”150″ height=”100″ />

The wildly funny comedy routine of multiple misunderstandings by Abbott and Costello, “Who’s On First” could only be re-worked by equally talented comedians, and this routine has three. Jimmy Fallon plays Abbott who explains it all to confused Costello stand-in, announcer Steve Higgins. Complicating matters is Billy Crystal with the addition of Who, What and I Don’t Know.