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Jimmy Kimmel In the Running for Vice President!

Jimmy Kimmel In the Running for Vice President!

Today, Jimmy Kimmel announced to throngs of enthusiastic fans that he plans to run for Vice President of the United States.  Kimmel arrived on Hollywood Boulevard atop  a gigantic campaign bus, bearing his likeness on the side, with his motto: “Jimmy Kimmel, a Good, Solid Number 2.” Jimmy may be running in an unusual race, and he has no political affiliation, but he seems to have what counts in 2016. He showed up.  He also looks presidential, and he brags “but in a humble way, like Mother Teresa,” claiming he’s a very good lover – and his hands certainly look sufficient for the presidency. Kimmel deflected direct questions with questions, or promised to ‘look into the issue’ later, as has become standard in this campaign.

CNN ‘broke’ into Kimmel’s show later, among other things Wolf Blitzer asked Jimmy if he wasn’t making a mockery of the election. “It’s a little late for anyone to do that Wolf,” replied Kimmel.