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Jimmy Kimmel: the Killing of Cecil the Lion, & The Cowardly Dentist

Jimmy Kimmel: the Killing of Cecil the Lion, & The Cowardly Dentist

Grab your pitchforks and torches and hold them high friends and neighbors – or ‘mob’ as like like to call you, Jimmy Kimmel shares the story of  a Minnesota dentist who illegally killed Cecil the lion. Cecil was a local favorite in Zimbabwe, and was wearing a tracking collar when he was baited and killed

Walt Palmer, who enjoys killing exotic big game, has united pacifists world-wide, in our desire to yank him out of hiding and kick his ass, then kick it some more.

Jimmy’s thoughts echo those of other animal lovers who have heard this sickening story. What wasn’t widely known, is that  Cecil wasn’t Palmer’s  first lion – or his first wild animal, Cecil was simply the first of his victims to attract widespread coverage, and you will see why.

Warning: You may wish to look away when Jimmy shows photos of Palmer proudly posing with the bodies of his other kills; shown here: Palmer with a (different) lion, a leopard, a rhinoceros and a bear.Palmer was caught killing the bear, and charged with a felony for which he received a minor tap on the wrist.

The price on Cecil’s head – for that was the only part of Cecil  Palmer wanted, was $50 thousand dollars. I presume the other exotic and endangered animals were sold to him for a similar price. I thought the days of killing an elephant to acquire a foot to make a snazzy umbrella stand were long over. I must think again.  At $50 thousand per animal (not including airfare etc), some Minnesota dental patients must have paid top dollar to be tortured with pointy instruments.

Mr. Macho is now in hiding after catching a glimpse of the wrath of the internet. Sympathy for the Minnesota serial killer is a low ebb.In a nation divided politically, the cowardly dentist has united a country of animal-loving pacifists Many have located him online, where people like me, who are passionately  against the death penalty, feel we could make an exception – just this once.
 * Disclaimer: I am not advocating violence toward Palmer, nor am I encouraging anyone to act on your anger. However –  If he spontaneously erupts into flame, as folks are rumored to do, I would not cross the street to perform the vital function of applying ‘water’ to his ear.

Jimmy wants to make something positive come of the sad situation. Perhaps we – as the country which produced Palmer can make some small amends. The wildlife preservation group which had been keeping track of Cecil and other animals is www.wildcru.org   Jimmy asks that we “Show the world that not all Americans are like THIS  jackhole.”