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Joe McGinniss discusses his Palin book on Today Show

No conservative would ever ever ever write a scathing personal attack book about a liberal!  

This woman is what happens in a very rural unpopulated state when that crazy creationist lady on the school board manages to publicize her love of killing animals to get elected governor. And then the tumblin’ dice of some crazy old man picking her for VP. 

Bottom line is she is gold digging nasty vindictive witch, AND GOOD AT IT!  

Her problem is that she has to put off saying she will not for President until the convention next August, or she is done dancing. Wait… There is Dancing with the Stars!  Fox could pick her up but I think that would mean a move to the East coast where their are not that many animals left to shoot. Perhaps a Western talk show host? Na, she needs the visual. Wait! I think I have it!  THE GLENN BECK SARAH PALIN CHANNEL!