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Joe Scarborough, the NRA killed the GOP, Weyant cartoon

nra kills the GOP

Boy oh boy, did Conservative Republican Mornin’ Joe Scarborough go ballistic on the NRA and the cowards who voted against background checks this morning. A Mornin’ Joe rant every bit as much as intense as one he screeched about  a few years ago defending torture.

What set him off are two polls, one from South Carolina and one from Texas that showed 80% of the people in these Right-wing states want univeral background checks for everyone, not just the watered down version that failed. I feel obligated to defend the Senate here by reminding everyone that it not in a million years would it have passed the Republican House anyway.

So will this be the death knell of the GOP?  Will it die and come back led by Rand Paul or Jon Huntsman as the pundits are now asking?