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Joe Wilson, ACORN, Grapes and the Republican Party

The anger out there is about race on two fronts, an African African American President and Hispanic illegal immigrants. The latter has about as much to do with paperwork as the former does with Hitlarian communism. If 15 million Mexicans here illegally had green cards it wouldn’t make a wit of difference to these kind of people while had the President’s father been from London it would make all the difference in the world.

The kind of people behind this are not in the least shy about sayingy they are most upset over losing their country. To whom? From what? Republcian disdain for the concept of multiculturalism is historic, loud and unyielding, while conservative correctness has required we now say "nativist" rather than "racist".

What is the Republican Party Plan I often wonder? They are now 3 years into their losing streak which seems to only move them further and further into Right Field. They seem to now occupy that long narrow strip of AstroTurf between first base and the dugout. It’s a crowded tent populated by non players, in this case Birthers, Tea Baggers, South Carolina crackers and Alaskan White trash. I just can’t help myself sometimes.

At the top of that stinky heap of poo are Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, though North Carolina Cracker Joe Wilson is on a meteoric rise while Fundamentalist Creationist Mike Huckabee is leading in the Presidential polls followed by Mitt Romney who believes Jesus is from Michigan. Gosh… The United States of Duh.

The fastest growing voter dynamic these days and for the foreseeable future are Hispanics while African Americans have been brought to the polls in higher numbers than ever before.

Does anyone think Hispanics don’t know what CNN’s Lou Dobbs is up to?

What all this constant screeching from Republicans about building that wall is about?

What ICE crashing through family doors and workplace skylights putting entire families in prisons is about?

Or what the claim that swimming the Rio Grand makes them not only criminals but felons is about?

And now the most recent and most ultimate slap in the face from a South Carolina rebel flag waving cracker who cannot help himself from screaming YOU LIE to the President of the United States because the very thought of a Mexican getting health care turns him purple. Anyone think Hispanics don’t get that?

Down here in Dumbutt, Texas news comes often on the ongoing debate within the State Board of Education. 11 of the 15 members are Republicans, 7 of whom are evangelical creationists. 

After their recent failure to have intelligent design placed in our science textbooks they have shifted gears and are now rewriting our history books more to their "nativist" liking.

As I read the series of articles about this I find two names that pop up in each and every article. Removing any mention of César Chávez and Thurgood Marshall and and replacing them with Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich. Our Texas Taliban is not shy and they are very well armed. Facing facts: History students need to know them

So at the top of their TO DO list is to remove a Black man who was not only our first African American Supreme Court Justice, but also was the NAACP lawyer who argued and won the most important case of the 20th Century – The unanimous Brown v. Education decision which decided "separate educational facilities were inherently unequal" setting the stage for the forced integration of the South. Anyone believe Blacks don’t get that?

Joining Mr Marshall for historic ejection by these evangelical Christian Republican "nativists" is Mexican migrant worker, advocate for the poor and union organizer César Chávez who gained fame in the 1960s with the California grape boycott. Anyone believe Hispanics don’t get that?

And this week Republicans sent out hidden cameras to try and destroy the largest African American community organization in America, and did so with flying colors! Anyone believe African Americans don’t get that either?

So what with the GOP shrinking and Hispanics and Blacks increasing their voting power I have to ask… Are Republicans racists or just stupid? Oops! Sorry… Are Republicans "nativists" or just stupid?