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John Boehner Tea Party Ugly, Danziger cartoon

tea party ugly

What ugly little gits.  The world left them behind a generation ago, and now their country is  dong the same as they wallow in the sewerage of their religious intolerance, bigotry, homophobia and racism. The anger has been brewing for a generation, but the coup de grace came when a family of picki…. moved into the White House.


Before 2009, Obamacare was a Republican idea, written by the Heritage foundation, touted by the Gingrich Revolution, put into action by Republican Governor Mitt Romney, and as recently as 2008 had Newt Gingrich singing it’s praises. SUDDENLY it became the worst idea in the world, An idea from the pit of Hell. The cause of the coming Apocalypse, and why the Republican Party recently imploded. All because of their own PRE BLACK PRESIDENT idea.

And who speaks to the morality of the GOP on this?  Hard to find anyone telling the truth. That the GOP is 100% against even giving minimal health care to the least of us. As they feed their wealthy donors, they take food from the poor, housing, unemployment comp, education and even their health.  I mean come on… It’s about purposely hurting the least of us, all on the back of not only Jesus Christ, but on the fantasy of supply side economics, trickle down, and their now semantic drool of protecting THE JOB CREATORS.

As the moderate wing of the GOP says, Obamacare will lead to a Single Payer system which is the worst thing that can happen to America. Joining the entire rest of the world who accept and enjoy universal health care as a HUMAN RIGHT. “The pursuit of life.,,