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John Fugelsang’s Brilliant Take-down of GOP Religious Hypocrites

Jesus & John Fugelsang's Brilliant Takedown of GOP Religious Hypocrites

The preachy GOP Religious Right uses Jesus to justify everything from hating gay people to starving poor children and lowering taxes for the wealthy. They have deluded themselves into believing that this is a Christian nation, a claim that is as inaccurate as it is unappealing, when it is modeled by the the GOP.

John Fugelsang quips:  “I’ve come to view Jesus the same way I view Elvis, I love the guy,  the fan clubs scare me.

Fugelsang is fed up with  GOP candidates ‘using Jesus like a mascot with pom poms, cheering them on from the sidelines’ – when what they’re preaching is diametrically opposed to everything Jesus ever said and did. Fugelsang’s  witty demolition of the hypocritical Bible-thumpers takes less than two minutes and is time well spent.

Fugelsang should know what he is talking about. His mother was once married to Jesus, and his father was a brother…Truly. Fugelsang is the child of an ex-nun and a former Franciscan brother, and John knows his Bible. Oddly, it is the same Bible used by GOP zealots, but something has been lost in the translation.  Right Wingers claim that the Bible backs up gay intolerance, condemns per-marital sex, praises the industrious wealthy and condemns the ‘lazy’ poor.   That’s why Fugelsang thinks it would be wonderful if the GOP could actually put Jesus on their ticket. Surely Jesus would be the family values, Christian nation candidate of their dreams. After all, they have been waiting for him – although they were hoping he’d smite some of their enemies while making an entrance.

John lists a few characteristics of the Republican’s ideal candidate – as verified in that same Bible. How welcoming do you think they would be, if the actual Jesus Christ showed up at campaign headquarters, unannounced and without I.D.?


 ” He’s a peaceful, radical, non-violent revolutionary who hung around with lepers, hookers and criminals, who never spoke English, who was not an American citizen. A man who was anti-capitalism, anti-wealth, anti-public prayer.  He was anti death penalty, never once remotely anti-gay. Didn’t mention abortion or per-marital sex.  He never justified torture,  never called the poor lazy, who never asked a leper for a co-pay, who never fought for tax cuts for the wealthiest Nazarines. And with the long hair and the brown skin was a homeless, middle eastern Jew…Of course, that’s only if you believe what’s actually in the Bible.”