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John McCain is a flip flopping crackpot says John McCain

I don’t know that he says it in so many words, but judging from firmly held beliefs John McCain has voiced and defended in the not-too-distant past, one does quickly get the picture that he is his greatest critic.

Call it flexible thinking, pandering, or heaven forbid – senility, but somehow I doubt that it’s the former. The man has taken a firm stand which is the polar opposite of his last firm stand on each and every issue – perhaps in an attempt to please a nebulous voter base he imagines.

What follows is an astounding list of McCain’s waffling opinions and votes on such issues as Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, tax cuts for the wealthy, cap and trade and
immigration – to name a few. In no case does McCain agree with himself, or offer a reasonable explanation as to why he has changed his mind. It’s a maverick’s prerogative I reckon.