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John Oliver, Dr Oz is the worst crook on TV

“You [Dr Oz] are the worst person in scrubs who has ever been on television,” John Oliver on the leading crook on television.
john oliver attacks dr ozDr Oz is the creation of Oprah Winfrey, not that it matters, he is also a Muslim, not that it matters, he enriches himself by selling false hope to those in need, which matters. Oh wait, did  I get him mixed up with priests, rabbis, preachers and mullahs?
His argument is the basis of Libertarian ideology, it’s okay to put arsenic in toothpaste because after a time the free market will adjust and people will stop buying it. That also applies to no environmental regulations, for after the air and water get really bad people will just move on to a better life in Mad Max, Road Fury.
In secular Europe – you know the place where parents let their children out to play by themselves even at night – I don’t think they allow charlatans of any sort to sell their crap on TV. No Pat Robertson, no faith healing, no Glenn Beck and no Fox News. They have some sort of ‘credibility line’ or something. Boobs and butts are okay though!

American TV, profit driven cable news and our ubiquitous right-wing radio makes for an uniformed, stupid American voter. WHO DESERVE WHAT THE GET, whether it be arsenic in their toothpaste, a better life after they are dead, or George W Bush as the president.