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Jon Stewart and Aasif Mandvi on THE INFORMANT Julian Assange

Is this that vacuum cleaner dude?

"He’s a fking idiot." Jon Stewart on the Italian Foreign Minister calling WikiLeaks a diplomatic 911.

Can you really tell how old a man is by counting the rings on his dick?

"And that’s why your generations’ fly will always be up and my generations’ fly will always be down." Aasif Mandvi to Jon Stewart

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One thing Jon Stewart has right is that here we have yet another case of the media blowing something all out of proportion for a buck. What this is mostly about is embarrassing some of the most rich and powerful people in the world. For what good it does as the American people have far more empathy for the rich and powerful than the poor and dispossessed. FAR more. How are the celebrity websites, magazines and networks doing in the recession?

We have conservative Republican Congressman Peter King of New York – not to be confused with Republican Right-wing NUTJOB Congressman Steve King from Iowa – claiming Julian Assange is a "terrorist" and should be sought out and tried as one.

We have the FBI putting Julian Assange on the MOST WANTED list.

We have the Justice Dept issuing international arrest and extradition papers for crimes against America – the timely Espionage act of 1917.

Sweden wants him for alleged sex crimes with Interpol on a massive hunt for him. Two women have come forward to say that during consensual sex Assange removed a condom.

This "Bin Laden of Cyberspace" is now the most wanted man in the world! Even more so than the real thing.

And who knows, we may soon even open up the book on other great secrets! Like someone saying Hillary Clinton has a fat ass! Or that Sarah Palin is dumber than pea gravel! Or that Dick Cheney is an a whole!  OMG the horror of it. Yesterday we had a drone kill more innocent people than Julian Assange could possibly be responsible for in the next thousand years.

One thing is sure though, they had best get this dirty Sonofawitch before he releases the information he has on Bank of America! MY GOD! We might find out that the biggest bank in the world is screwing everyone! And then what??

Though I must say Julian’s head is growing so big that perhaps it may be time for him to print GOODYEAR up either side of it and take the going rate. Though it is not yet anywhere near the Hindenburg size of Chris "Call me Christopher" Hitchen’s head.