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Jon Stewart and Kristen Schall H.R. 3, RAPE ISH and WAR ISH

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Rape Victim Abortion Funding
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With H.R. 1 of the 111th Republican House still reserved and unwritten the two first orders of business for the Republican controlled House of Representatives are: HR 2, to repeal Health Care Reform so they can keep the ever rising cost of a two tiered Health Care system that caters to the wealthy and those with good jobs while it kicks the poor, the uninsured and the under-insured (including children) under the bus. Real private death "board of directors."

And now we have their second more important order of business: HR 3, to  mandate poor women who have been raped less violently than others, forced to give birth to children they do not want.

Daddy was nice when he had sex with me so what.
I was passed out when all those bikers had sex with me so its okay.
He had a knife but he only  cut me a little.
He never used the gun actually.
I didn’t scream loud enough I guess.
He drugged me so I didn’t even know about the rape until later, so it wasn’t so bad.

And what PANEL will decide this? It will be the likes of Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin et al.

So there you have it. The top priorities of the Republican Party. Deny the poor, the uninsured and the under-insured AND THEIR CHILDREN viable health care, AND redefine rape so poor women are forced to have the children of their rapist. 

See any jobs in any of that? A fix to the economy? Its been 30 days now and these are their top priorities.

I hear the next one may be to remove womens’ birth control CHOICES from not only federal funding but from private company health care plans as well.

And here is the kicker. Half the people in America vote for these intolerant nastyass self serving IMMORAL bastards who call themselves Republicans. [Sadly the word is out that THIS SIDE has to tone down the rhetoric,  or else I would have said what really needs to be said.]