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Jon Stewart, Brownbacking , No place like Homophobia, Kansas

Brownbacking – term for those who enjoy smearing poop all over their partners back during sex, named after Kansas Governor Brownback who signed an executive order (his own idea) rescinding legal protections for gay and lesbian state employees.

Kansas brownbacking This just a year later after Sam Brownback reduced taxes so much it caused the state to go bankrupt with half the Republicans in Kansas turning against him. Also remember in the 2008 presidential primary debate Brownback was one of those who raised his hand to the question, “Who does not believe in evolution?”

So I find that I must add The Bigotry to my theory that following The Stupid always seems to lead to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Jon Stewart also gives us a taste of another stupid bigoted Christian leader who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore who has decided once again, as did Jefferson Davis, that States Rights trump the federal government. Hopefully this will not open up slavery once again in Alabama. Alabama who by the way, now has a quarter in their do-good mason jar! Sure that may not sound like a lot but it’s one quarter more than Mississippi.

But that is not the big news. Rather the big story here is that the United States Supreme Court denied Roy Moore and the State of Alabama a request to suspend the issuing of marriage licences to gays. Not only is this a good sign as to where this decision on Gay Marriage will end up come June, but with the 7 to 2 decision it shows I may have been wrong in expecting it to be a 7 to 3 split with Silly Sam Alito joining Antonin Benito Scalia and Clarence Slappy Thomas.

With both Scalia and Thomas being Catholic it brings a problem to my theory that following The STUPID and The BIGOT ends with a a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Catholics don’t use that term, they have a personal relationship with the Pope, well other than the liberal new one anyway.

And hey, Muslims and Orthodox Jews are even worse than Christians in such matters so I guess the correct statement would be, follow The Stupid and The Bigotry and you will most always end up in the lap of religion. Except MS of course.