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Jon Stewart CBO Fox News Bullsh*t Mountain

Not only are corporations people, they are better people than you are.

bullcrap mountain Last night Jon Stewart did three pieces on the GOP lie that the CBO reports says Obamacare will kill 2.5 million jobs. Stephen Colbert did two so far, there videos and articles from here to Kingdom Come refuting it including the CBO itself do not matter. The Koch Brothers AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY PAC is already running ads across America that fully embrace the lie. “OBAMACARE TO KILL 2.5 MILLION JOBS.” The response is too late and too wordy. More than 5 words are needed to explain which leaves out most everyone between New York and LA.

Also keep in mind that more often than not Republicans disagree with the CBO. Republican ideology has been reduced to just one issue, the claim that anything equitable, fair, kind, nice, helpful, caring, inclusive or well meaning is socialism bordering on communism. That’s pretty much it.