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Jon Stewart, The Broads must be Crazy, Chelsea and Hillary

Mitt Romney has a litter of grandchildren and even a grandchild petting zoo!

New Clinton baby supbeoned by Darryl IssaSo this is really bad for Hillary. First she hires someone to throw a shoe at her to make the Benghazi nutcakes look like nutcakes and now she conspired to get Chelsea Clinton Pregnant, so she could run for president as a Grandma to foil Benghazi allegations. Even though Darryl Issa has already subpoena’s the baby to testify on Benghazi.

A grandmother in the White House!  Grandfathers are fine and deserve no comment.  This is just another Clinton Conspiracy. Obviously Hillary, or her deviant husband searched Chelsea’s home when they were there for Christmas and stole all the birth control devices so Hillary could run for President as a Grandmother. After all, who could vote against a Grandma? Well other than every Republican and most Independents.

Ronald Reagan has no grandchildren at all and he was the best president we every had. And the best governor too!

He will always be fondly remembered by Republicans for his first act as Governor of California for taking prescription glasses away from poor children.

And of course his first act as President busting a union and hiring scabs.

And not to forget as onset of the worst epidemic in our lifetime – AIDS – killed tens of thousands of gay men, Ronald Reagan never mentioned it.

Oh and his most profound success! Making Americans despise their government!  What’s not to like?

And Ronald Reagan is too liberal to win a GOP primary these days… Wow… Is it mostly the fault of Talk Radio and Fox News?