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Jon Stewart, Eric Cantor and GOP hate most Americans

Jon did not have the time to mention AM Talk Radio which is 100% concerned with Republicans hating some individual or group of Americans. Most always poor, brown, black or anyone speaking up for them, or caring about them. 

The problem with this wonderful video proving the degree of GOP hypocrisy is that it does not matter one wit to those who vote for Republicans. Only three things matter to Republicans.

BELIEF in Jesus. An unrecognizable rendition corrupted by American Right-wing politics. A Jesus who ignores the poor, supports the wealthy, laughs at compassion, seeks war and the only thing they love are vengeance and themselves. Corrupted is the wrong word, Christianity has been bastardized by American Right-wing politics.

Their tax dollars being STOLEN AT THE POINT OF A GUN by the despised and hated federal government – which unlike the states, is  known for treating people of different colors fairly – which will redistribute their wealth to lazy and criminal minorities. Oh, and also stealing their money for the horror of handing some of it over to poor people, sick people, old people and children.

Hating liberals, progressives and Democrats so much their teeth bleed even more than their hair.

From the video we see that Republicans hate about 75% of their fellow Americans. So who are the 25% and how do they manage to get 50% of the vote.

Half Americans do not vote, or are disenfranchised by GOP politics not to vote. Mostly the young and poor who would vote Democratic.

Evangelical Christians will vote Republican no matter what. Right-wing Jesus rules.

Gun nuts, bigots, racists and white trash.

Having the confederate states plus Kentucky, Oklahoma, Kansas, Utah, Idaho and Arizona in the bag no matter what happens.