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Jon Stewart explains the religious violence in Iraq

NeoCon: The Jewish/American politics of EMPIRE THROUGH WAR or more gently, pushing American/Jewish interests through military intervention.

NEOCON Robert KaganSo, I have been meaning to ask, what is the difference between the Sunni and Shite religion that makes them want to kill each other?  Is it like the European century of religious war between the Catholics and the Protestants? Are there trinities, virgin mothers, kings divorces and popes in the mix? So which invisible sky creatures are real and which are not? Which flying entities in the firmament are good and which are not so good? I am impressed that Mohammad flew up to Heaven on a flying horse as opposed to Jesus who just floated up on a cloud. That’s kind of hard to believe.

Yesterday we had “Historian” Robert Kagan [pictured above] making headlines at the New York Times saying Obama has to get into this one now. We need more American blood on the ground. No Kagan family blood though. Historian Robert Kagan MY ASS. Robert Kagan and his Jewish family are at the top of the NeoCon war lobby along with the Podhoretz family and the Kristols.

Let me also add that this morning Bill Kristol, the top Jewish NeoCon in America and publisher of the NeoCon Weekly Standard, called for a boots on the ground invasion of Iraq. We must listen to him after all he was the main supporter for the Iraq War that accomplished so much.

Having said that, which even the NYTs cannot say, and as I will soon be accused of anti-Semitism for this, I may as well add one more thing as I have nothing to lose.

All American Presidents, American foreign policy and the UN have told Israel STOP BUILDING JEWISH HOMES ON PALESTINIAN LAND. It is a blatant spit in the eye to a billion Muslims and is perhaps the biggest driver of  religious violence in the Middle East. Israel covers it’s ears, doubles down and builds more and more while giving the world the finger and the childish chant of NEY NEY NEY NET YAHU!

Woe is me now!