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Jon Stewart finds Glenn Beck’s INDEPENDENCE USA a centrally planned Marxist society devoid of Freedom and Liberty

Glenn Beck’s town of Independence USA part 1

Glenn Beck’s town of Independence USA part 2

This can all be summed up with something I tell all my Pro Life friends and acquaintances.

“I do not agree with your views on abortion, but I will respect them as long as you don’t start blathering on and on about getting the government off our back. For after all, other than execution and prison their is nothing more intrusive from government than forcing women to have children that they do not want.”

glenn beck push INDEPENDENCE USAFreedom and Liberty are relative. Republicans are behind most of the draconian Drug War [Democrats mostly go along for the votes] and that war usurps more freedom and liberty causing our  government to put more people in jail than anywhere else in the world. The largest prison system IN THE WORLD which is REPUBLICAN in nature.

Are Republicans responsible for dispensing freedom and liberty by legalizing pot in Washington and Colorado you think?

And you know. It is Jon Stewart – who with his spot on caricatures of Glenn Beck – should get the credit for Beck getting tossed off Fox News and into the oblivion of Internet pay TV. And while we are at it, with Sarah Palin being fired from FOX NEWS the other day, it is Tina Fey who is most responsible for her demise.  It is now time for the political entertainment industry to take on the top clown in the Senate, Rand Paul. He is a very bad joke. It was like the People of Kentucky never got out of high school where they voted the ugly girl prom queen.