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Jon Stewart, Fox News LIES about War on Christmas

Taking our country back to when the Pilgrims and Puritans founded this nation on the concept of religious freedom.

For such dalliances as not appearing in church on Sunday, or talking back to a preacher, or not obeying any commandment Americans were put in stocks to have rotten vegetables thrown at them and forced to wear demeaning letters on their outer clothing like the Jews in Germany. They were also branded, had their tongues pierced with hot irons, dunked in ponds in Winter, banished from the community and faced execution. GOP, taking our country back to the good ole days!

This is much the same as what today is called CHRISTIAN RECONSTRUCTIONISM led by Rousas John Rushdoony who has 10,000 churches sucking up to his crap here in America. The legal arm of this movement to REPLACE The Constitution with Biblical Law – NO DIFFERENT THAN THE TALIBAN OR SHARIA LAW – is the Rutherford Institute operated by Rushdoony lackey John Whitehead. Some may recall the name and organization as the legal representatives for…

… Sweet little Ms Innocent, Paula Jones.