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Jon Stewart, greedy lazy elitist teachers!

Republicans are very very good at using fear to pit not only Americans against the rest of the world but against each other. The problem is not  increasing tax cuts for the wealthy. Nor the Koch Brothers paying off Congress to dirty our water, air and planet for a buck. Or is it Wall Street, the bankers and the ratings companies who caused this recession and stole half of everyone’s 401Ks , about a third of their net worth and their homes and jobs. No no no…

It is the teachers who are to blame, and those rich DPS people behind the counter, guys who plow the snow, nurses and fireman. The Koch Brothers are the heroes fighting for liberty, freedom, FAIRNESS and BALANCE.

This time Republicans have successfully managed to pit private sector workers (non union) against state employees. It is what they do while they blame Democrats for "Class Warfare". Republicans do not play "Class Warfare"  anymore because they won that war long ago. Their constituents went from making 50 times as much as the average worker to 500 times and pay half as much in taxes as they did before we went from black to red in 1964.

Back in 1981 we had was called "Reagan Democrats" – blue collar union members who went against their own self interest to vote Republican. The first thing Reagan did as president was to bust a union. Union members voted for him in even greater numbers the next election. How can that be?

Republicans must keep the electorate scared, angry and stupid to get them to vote for them as they gobble up more of the pie right in front of them.

Bible thumping and flag waving are not enough anymore. They must also cut pre school education. Cut public education across the board. Eliminate the arts,  history, social studies, civics classes and of course that "multicultralist" Geography! Republicans must increase university tuition, reduce Pell Grants and scholarships and allow bankers to charge ever more interest on student loans. Dumb them ignorant enough actually believe Fox News is fair and balanced and its in the bag for them.

You know I had somewhat of an epiphany in December 1995 when Newt Gingrich so gleefully shut down the government for Christmas. CNN was showing clips of people coming out of federal buildings with pink slips. MOSTLY black, brown and female. It is the same thing we are shown today when we see unemployment lines or emergency room healthy care. Who cares about those people? NOT REPUBLICANS!